social worker new years resolution For those of you among the thousands of social workers resolved to pass the licensing exam in the coming year, congratulations! You've made it through an arduous process: applying to school, going to school, going to internships. Maybe you've even already completed your practice hours and submitted everything to your state board. Nicely done! The next step, the exam, is really nothing compared to everything you've already accomplished.

You can think of getting through the test as a two-step process: knowing and practicing. You probably have encountered just about everything you need to know to pass the social work licensing exam. It's just a matter of freshening up on needed knowledge (about the Code of Ethics, the DSM, developmental theories, etc). Getting familiar with the exam process--the feel of the questions, the pace at which you need to answer them--is the other crucial part of the equation. We're here to help with both.

Below are some additional links that may prove helpful as you prepare for your big, four-hour licensing sit-down. There are many more free resources linked throughout this site, including as suggested study links within practice exams. These are just a simple start:

Again, congratulations on everything you've done to get here. Thanks for all you do as a social worker. And good luck on the exam!

January 2, 2014
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