learn by listeningPractice tests and reading are terrific, essential.  But sometimes you may want to take a break from them...without taking a break from studying. That's when to let a good social work podcast step in. Listening can help deepen your knowledge and understanding about a wide variety of topics, many of which are likely to show up on the exam.  Here are three social work podcasts to get friendly with:

The Social Work Podcast. Jonathan Singer's venerable podcast covers lots of material that's great to know for the exam and for social work practice.  A recent episode about social work ethics is a good example.  Be sure to browse the archives; theory and practice basics were the topics on many of the early shows.

inSocialWork. The University of Buffalo's contribution (formerly Living Proof) is...well, they can explain it:  "The purpose of this series is to engage practitioners and researchers in lifelong learning and to promote research to practice and practice to research. inSocialWork features conversations with prominent social work professionals, interviews with cutting-edge researchers, and information on emerging trends and best practices in the field of social work."

Podsocs.  Originating at Australia's Griffith University, this podcast may stray into areas of law and ethics that aren't perfectly aligned with the NASW Code, on which ASWB test questions are based.  But that still leaves plenty of material that can be helpful to ASWB test preppers.  Get browsing.

If you find episodes of any of the above--or other audio--you'd recommend to your fellow license-bound social workers, please sound off in comments. 

Happy listening and good luck on the exam!

March 12, 2013
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